Reverse urbanization and human touch is way of life post corona

Reverse urbanization

Reverse urbanization, turning back to villages is the permanent cure for coronavirus. Intellectuals around the world are calling coronavirus is a threat to urbanization. Many experts say that the coronavirus is anti-urban. However, they insisted on fighting with this virus. They believe that that modern science and society has given us so much strength that we can fight with the biggest difficulties.

At the same time, Corona has shown a mirror to the world’s development model. The world has chosen industrialization, modernization, and urbanization. But all these mantras fall flat on our face in the corona pandemic.

The selfish approach of urban pushing back reverse urbanization for poor

According to sociologists, increasing congestion in cities is the major problem of urbanization. Although the cities of Europe are less crowded, but they too are not able to escape from Corona. That is why the idea of ​​turning to villages in Europe is underway.

In the last several years, international environmental conferences raised concern about reducing urbanization and promoting villages. The urban cities become self-centric and capitalist system. They only think for themselves and don’t care for human values and mother earth.

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Although, they believe that capitalism and urbanization benefit them. But this thinking has increased the gap between rich and poor in cities. The state’s welfare schemes have reduced for the poor. Nowadays welfare schemes are only meant for the people in power or people close politicians. 

Governments around the world are making fool of people via social media

People around the world have the technology and social media. They feel empowered and believe they have reached to all the resources fairly. But in reality, this is just virtual and not true. The people in power manipulate these systems and social media in their favour. You just get perception virtually created on these systems for their benefit governments and rich.

Social media has created a big gap in our life. We are socially disconnected with people, we communicate with each other on these technology-driven platforms and forget the emotions.

Village economy is self-sufficient and it has a human touch

Opposite to urban life, the economy of the village is self-sufficient. Even if they disconnect to another village or cities for months, there will be no significant difference in their life. Now we have to think about why the labourers are returning to the village during the Corona period.  The reason is that the people in the village are involved in each other’s happiness and sorrow. Food and work are available there. 

It is not that villages are untouched with the problem. The standard of living in the village is not good. The government’s strong access to the village has weakened and the systems were exploited by corrupt. The thinking of hierarchy has also reduced in the village. But still, villages have a very strong human bonding and they support each other.

Until corona poor always blamed for disease spread

As per experts, we can adopt a mixed model of rural-tribal life for survival and development from Corona. We should learn to protect nature from tribal life. At the same time, the village teaches us to be self-sufficient. We can also include the merits of cities in it.

Until now, most of the diseases used to spread to poor sections of the society. It is said that the poor do not live cleanly in clean places and are the reason for diseases spread. But corona is a disease that has come down from the rich to the poor.