Cancer Diseases is the deadliest know enemy for Mankind

Cancer Diseases is the deadliest know enemy for Mankind. Man has known many diseases from its lifetime on this planet. Many known to be life-taking as well. There have been cures that have been found or there have been vaccinations been developed to prevent the disease from occurring. But there is one disease that has many unanswered questions among researchers across the Globe and that is Cancer. How Why and When it occurs are just some of the questions that are related to Cancer.

Most types of cancer can be cured if detected early

Cancer Diseases is nothing but a mutation of cells in one’s body that can occur in any part of the body. Abnormal growth of cells in and around an organ of any body part. This starts off as a small part or area of the body being affected. But it can grow at a rapid rate and spread all across the body. It can affect the functioning of any of the Body’s vital organs that will create serious complications in being able to function straight or even lead to Death.

Also Read: Cancer Symptoms and Treatment facility in India

While there is no known medicine that can cure Cancer. Radiation is considered the most effective medium to kill the cancer cells. In Some cases, surgery is also recommended to cut off the abnormal growth or the area affected by cancer. Blood cancer is often treated by a Bone marrow transplant. Radiation or Chemotherapy comes with its own list of side effects. The most common being hair loss and fatigue.

Cancer diseases and treatment is most effective in the early stage

One thing very essential to be known about Cancer Diseases is that it can be treated if detected early. At later stages of the disease, it tends to spread and affect other parts of the body. Making it difficult to be treated. It’s not exactly a rich man or poor man’s disease it can affect anyone. Regular health checkups can detect the disease early. Which can ensure that the disease is nipped in the Bud?

Trillions have been spent on Cancer Diseases research but no one has been able to pinpoint an exact cause for cancer. In 5 to 10% of the cases, the cause seems to be genetically passed on from the parents to the child. While the remaining 90 to 95% of cases the causes still are very ambiguous. Many statistics indicate the consumption of Tobacco leads to cancer. Some claim that exposure to radiation of some kind can also lead to Cancer. But there is no 100% exact cause known to man.