Cancer Risk with Sugar Rich Beverages is very high

Cancer Risk with Sugar

Cancer Risk with Sugar Rich Beverages is very high and you must check the consumption. This is a feat in research published in the British Medical Journal. Over the past few decades, the consumption of sugar-rich beverages has increased. Its relationship with obesity has also exposed. This obesity further increases the risk of cancer. Although there is no research on the relationship between cancer and such beverages.

Daily increase of 100 ML sugar can increase cancer risk for your life

For a recent study, scientists studied the figures of 1,01,257 healthy people in France. Their average age was 42 years. The study, which lasted for nine years. It has found that increasing the 100 ml of sugar per day, the risk of cancer increases to 18 per cent. At the same time, the risk of breast cancer increases to 22 per cent. Scientists said that it can not be considered as the final quantity right now. Need to be researched right now.

Food with soft drinks or sugar-rich beverages should be avoided

People who take a lot of food with soft drinks and added sugar are conscious. Consumption of these can lead to the risk of fatty liver disease. Restricting the consumption of sweet foods and soft drinks can be harmful as per a new study. Adult is fast approaching in its grip. Fatty liver disease or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis can also be the cause of cancer.

Frequent fatty liver is of two types. Alcoholic fatty liver causes inflammation of the liver due to excessive alcohol use. The second is non-alcoholic fatty liver, which causes fat accumulation around the liver. Both types of fatty liver are dangerous, so it is important for you to know about them.

What are the symptoms of Non-alcoholic fatty liver

Non-alcoholic fatty liver does not show any symptoms generally. Whereas the symptoms are usually seen- Fatigue, Upper right pain in the abdomen, Weight loss

How to avoid such Non-alcoholic fatty liver: Cancer Risk with Sugar

Make lifestyle changes, Regular exercise and pranayama etc,. Show the doctor at the right time and start treatment fatty liver

Fatty liver is a term that is called fatigue in the liver. Fat accumulation of more than 5% to 10% in the liver is a sign of fatty liver. Fatty liver is a reversible condition that can be improved by improving the lifestyle. There are no symptoms that permanently damage the liver.

The cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver: Cancer Risk with Sugar

There have been many changes in the lifestyle of people in the age of urbanization. This has caused problems of overweight, obesity, and diabetes among the people. These three factors considered to be the biggest factors of fatty liver. So if you are not taking alcohol and you have any of these three problems then you may have fatty levers. If it is not treated in a timely manner then this cirrhosis can turn into liver. This is the state of liver damage.