Fish Easting Benefit you must know for better health in old age

Fish Easting Benefit you must know for better health in old age. Seafood is devoured all over the world. A variety of dishes includes fish as its main element. Apart from being tasty, seafood is good for our health. The study has revealed that eating fish can keep us healthy into Old age. Healthy ageing means living into old age without chronic conditions such as heart disease, dementia, and cancer or dying after age 65 without any of these conditions. And eating fish can avoid such disease that is common in old age.

Fish Easting give fatty omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids which help in ageing

Fish Easting Benefit carries healthy fats that are rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are associated with a greater chance of healthy ageing, according to observational research. The Omega-3 found in seafood has a strong positive effect on the health.

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The research conducted in the US, more than 2600 adults participated in the health study. The individuals were healthy when they began. Researchers took blood samples to measure levels of 46 different Omega-3 fatty acids at the beginning of the study, then after six years and seven years. People also gave the dietary questionnaires.  After twenty-five years of follow up, only 11 people had healthy ageing. And the study showed that the reason was Omega 3 fatty acids. Those who had the highest levels of Omega 3 acids, had an 18 % lower risk of unhealthy ageing. Fish Easting Benefit is even known by ancient people.

People who eat fish have low chances of unhealthy ageing

People in the lower risk group also reported eating more fish than their peers. They consumed around two servings of fish per week, while people with the lowest blood levels of Omega 3 ate about one serving per week.

There are a lot of other benefits of eating seafood. This study, however, was observational. So it is not necessary that it prove causes and effect. But the findings and the other benefits of seafood suggest that fish should be part of a healthy diet.