Heart Attack Instant Medicine can save many lives in future

Heart Attack Instant Medicine can save many lives from this deadly disease. Myocardial Infarction or in simple words Heart attack is a growing disease that kills people almost that very instant. It is nothing but when the supply of blood to the heart reduces or stops due to a clot or clogged arteries can cause on to have a Heart attack. Not all Heart attacks are fatal. But if not taken care of when one gets them can lead to fatalities.

There are several symptoms that indicate a Heart attack the most common is pain in the chest or fullness in the chest area. Pain in the left arm leading to the jaw can also indicate symptoms of a heart attack. Sweating even when it is cold. Breathlessness is also a common symptom of a Heart Attack. One can also feel weak or light-headed.

Unhealthy Lifestyle leads to heart attacks in modern world

There is a common misconception that a Heart attack is a severe pain in the chest. Sometimes it can be a mild pain of a similar kind when one is having indigestion. The symptoms of a Heart attack are most often a combined series of events like Breathlessness, Pain in the Chest, and or in the left or both arms, along with an ache in the Jaw.

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Most of the symptoms that are related to a heart attack are very similar to that of a Panic Attack. While a Panic attack may not be all that bad. Panic Attacks can be a cause of Heart attack. Heart attacks in most cases are fatal if not detected and treated on time. In the case of Diabetics, Heart Attacks do not give out any single symptom that is associated with heart attacks they are often termed as silent attacks.

CPR is the best Medicine in this modern age: Heart Attack Instant Medicine

One of the quickest modes of treatment for a Heart attack is CPR in case the Heart rate falls. Chewing and swallowing Aspirin minimum 300 mg can help a lot as Aspirin reduces the viscosity of the blood. This helps the blood to flow more easily to the heart. Although all these are just quick fixes one needs to rush the person suffering from a heart attack to a hospital.

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There is no guarantee that only a certain type of people will suffer from a Heart attack. But ones that are prone to a heart attack are those who are obese, Smokers, etc. Basically, people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle are at a higher risk of suffering from a heart attack. Heart Attacks can be treated by medicines that dissolve the blockages in the Heart or by surgery to remove the blocks that cannot be removed by mere medicines.

After recovery from a heart attack, one should focus on lifestyle and healthy diet

Recovery can take 2 weeks to a month after a Heart attack. Lifestyle changes need to be carried out. Like avoiding fatty food, smoking must be stopped, a person should do regular workouts. Medication that has been prescribed by doctors should be taken without fail. If you have suffered on the attack the chances of the attack to recur are very high if you do not take proper care. Heart Attacks most often are fatal so the best step to take is to lead a healthy life. As prevention is always better than cure.