Herbal hookah will replace Tobacco Hookah after HC ruling Mumbai

Herbal hookah will replace Tobacco Hookah after the HC ruling. Hookah is ban in Mumbai from BMC for a very long time. The main reason for banning Hookah is the use of tobacco and the nicotine content that enters the bloodstream. It had been termed by BMC as a social evil which is actually a harmless leisure activity. Some even call it Sheesha and this had become a very popular trend in all parts of the city right until the BMC banned it. It was the Kamala Mills Fire incident that actually sparked the fire of Ban. A few flying embers from the coal used to light a Hookah burnt a curtain which led to the fire.

Recent High Court ruling allowed Herbal Hookah

The Hookah is ban under the Cigarettes and other Tobacco rules in India. Which restricts the sale advertisement and distribution of tobacco-based products. The recent High Court ruling allowed petitioners to use Herbal Hookah as forensic reports indicated that it was harmless. There was no Nicotine or any other harmful products entering the body. So, there was no reason that people cannot use Herbal Hookah which actually does not create any harmful effects. This will mean a boom in the Herbal Hookah Business in the city.

It has been in Indian History for centuries: Herbal Hookah

Many cafes that serve only coffee and Tea have seen a reduced footfall. Bringing back the Hookah will bring back the young crowd back into the Cafes puffing on the Hookahs. Herbal Hookahs use Sugar Cane extract instead of Tabacco. This product does not have any harmful by-products that affect the body.

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Hookah Tradition has existed in India for centuries with Kings Nawabs all puffing it. Hookahs attract young audiences who are intrigued by the smoke coming out of the mouth. It is a high source of revenue for the places to sell Hookahs. The BMC was not able to digest the fact that Hoteliers were making a huge profit from Herbal Hookah revenue. Which is citied by hotel owners as the main reason for the Ban. Now it will be interesting to see how BMC will counter the HC ruling to ensure that Hookah remains banned.