High Stress in Children during lockdown threatening mental helth

There is High Stress in Children due to corona lockdown. This is threatening their mental and physical health. The lockdown is in many countries around the world to fight with coronaviruses. In every house, there are only talks about Coronavirus.

In such a situation, it is natural for children to have negative thoughts. Gradually this stress can lead to depression. Children start doing different types of activities. Parents usually do not understand this.

Hormone change due to high stress in children

A famous California based paediatrician says that children’s hormones change due to stress. Due to changes in daily routine, some effects can be seen in some children’s. But in some cases, stress is increasing in children due to watching and listening to stressful events. At the same time, the parents are getting jobless and financial constraints are on top. Children are also deeply traumatized due to the illness or death of a family member.

Keep positive atmosphere in home instead of scaring children reduce high stress in children

The COVID_19 epidemic is acting like a storm and affecting negative to the mental, physical behaviour of children. In such a situation, you should protect your children and reduce the stress and remove negativity. You should engage them in positive activities and share new opportunities with them. Keep the home atmosphere positive and stress-free.

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Treat lockdown as an opportunity and try to know your children

You should talk to your children to find out what is in their minds. Try to find out what is bothering them. After knowing all this try to help them.

Build feelings of self-esteem in your child. Give them encouragement and affection. Involve your child in things where he/she can succeed. Reward him in exchange for punishment.

According to Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, if you see the tension in the child and it is not normal then you can seek the advice of a doctor. At this time you should be consulted through telemedicine.

Understand the impact of adversity on High Stress in Children

Many children are facing stressful situations at this time. Children who have been in a positive environment since childhood. This corona crisis can be a very terrible and negative event for them.

Such negative events are always prone to cause stress in children. The COVID_19 is a very negative event and there is a high risk of stress due to coronavirus. it is important to understand the impact on your children.

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Avoid making assumptions in this situation high stress

At this moment when schools are closed, children are in homes. At such times, many kinds of perceptions are formed in his mind. Parents should keep an eye on it. The best way for parents to give more confidence to their children is to become a good listener.

Parents should listen to children’s talk and apprehensions, but should not criticize them. You should listen to them as much as possible without interfering. This will develop a feeling in them that they are being heard, then they will be able to express everything with you with a free mind.

Try to find out the reason for High Stress in Children

Sleep, exercise, and healthy food can also help keep stress under control in children. Parents should avoid talking to children about the epidemic.

Keep your children connected to their friends. This can be done via video chat, phone call, and letter. Create a children’s routine. Schedule playtime, hygiene, food, studies, exercise for them.