Ice Cream Headaches cause and cure for you to learn

Have you ever learned of the term Ice Cream Headaches it is nothing but what is also called a Brain freeze? This typically occurs when you have something cold in extremely hot weather. The sudden change in temperature in the mouth causes a shooting headache which typically could peak in the first 30 seconds to 60 seconds. The pain normally does not last for more than 5 minutes. It can happen when you consume something extremely cold for example Ice Cream which is where it gets its name because it’s most common when you have Ice Cream.

Ice Cream headaches is not a serious illness and this can be cured easily

Ice Cream headaches are not a serious condition and there is nothing to worry about in fact it does not require any visit to the Doctor as well. Since it lasts only for a short while. But however, there are a few things that can ease the discomfort sooner than its normal course once you experience the Brain Freeze.

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Once you realize that you are experiencing an Ice Cream Head Ache. Push your tongue to the palate of your mouth (Roof of the mouth above the tongue). The second thing that you can do is drink something warm so that the sudden cooling can get some warmth. Another remedy is to cover your mouth and nose and breathe rapidly this will help bring instant warmth to the roof of the mouth or palate. Which helps ease down the pain much faster. These tips can relieve you from the inconvenience much faster.

There is a science behind the Headaches

What exactly happens is that the capillaries of the sinuses narrow down and this creates vasoconstriction. The rapid change in temperature creates pressure in nerves that are sensitive this causes the pain. This condition is called a Brain Freeze or Ice Cream headache.

There is no known prevention. But avoiding the consumption of extremely cold substances at a rapid pace is known to be the best preventive measure. So do not let your greed for any cold substance make you consume it at a rapid pace. Let it get a bit warmer not completely warm. And then start enjoying it or have it in small quantities at a slow pace.