Long Sitting Position Problems can be very dangerous for you

Long Sitting Position Problems can be very dangerous for you. If you keep on sitting for hours in the office, be careful. Staying tuned to the screen of TV, smartphones, and computer at home at night is also dangerous for your health. As per Online News India, ideal sitting in the same position for a long time is not advisable. You should move and change your position at regular intervals.

As per a study by US-based Mayo Clinics, physical inactivity is as harmful as smoking. It says that people can reduce the risk of death from deadly diseases such as type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, by increasing the time of movement and exercise, shoulder, back, and back pain problems. The habit of sitting or lying down throughout the day has also been found to be deadly for memory and logic.

Long sitting position can push you to deadly diseases like:

Increase in blood sugar: Long sitting Position Problems

The study by McMaster University found that in less than 1000 steps for less than two weeks, resistance to insulin starts developing. By this, the sugar reaching in the body does not turn into energy and the person falls prey to diabetes.

Sitting habit: Long sitting Position Problems

– Most adults, who live on an average of 8 hours.
– It’s important to have 10 thousand steps daily to stay healthy.
– 3 hours to watch videos on TV or mobile.
– Be sure to exercise at least half an hour for 6 days a week.

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Very Dangerous to memory loss

The brain size for physically inactive people are small comparing active person. This is said in a study conducted by the University of California in August 2018. If a healthy person keeps his brain inactive for very long then he can lose his memory.

Small steps will work to compensate for the loss and danger of long sitting

Do not keep the bottle, drinking water, and stand on the seat every half an hour. Stretch up on the seat and go to the seat rather than resort to phone-email, go to the ‘lunch canteen’, lift it Instead of using stairs, it would be better to talk while walking on the phone in a break.