Paleo Diet is the new emerging trend for you to learn

Paleo Diet or Paleolithic diet is a form of diet that dates back to when how Paleolithic humans used to have their food. Humans during the Paleolithic era used to either hunt or gather their food. Back then the concept of Agriculture was a distant dream. It is a more natural form of diet that bans the use of processed foods. It is actually very simple to understand. What was available to the caveman to eat is what is included in this diet.

The diet mainly consists of Vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, meat, and fish. All of which were either hunted or could be easily gathered when our ancestors used to roam on our planet. What it does not include is dairy products, grains, sugar, legumes, processed oils, salt, alcohol, and Coffee. The kinds that need to be processed. Oils like Coconut Oil and Olive Oil are however included in this Diet.

Paleo diet is good for people suffering from diabetes

Like with any kind of diet this diet also has its pros and cons. The diet suggests that you consume fruits and vegetables. There is no debate on why you will not consider fruits and vegetables to be unhealthy. Almost every diet on the planet recommends the consumption of Fruits and Vegetables. One of the most significant factors about the Paleo diet is the absence of processed foods that are low in nutritional value and high in calories.

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The chances of losing weight are high on this diet since the calorie intake is significantly low. But researchers have admitted that the Paleo Diet was never meant to be used as a Diet to lose weight. Since it does not recommend processed foods and sugar the health risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes and Certain types of Cancer is drastically reduced.

The deficiencies of the Paleo Diet also need to be known

There are certain deficiencies as well that the Paleo Diet has. It has low Calcium which could lead to the weakening of bones. Since it is largely about non-processed food the taste of Paleo diet dishes can be quite boring.  It also promotes eating meat which contains a lot of fat. The more the fat the higher the risk of developing Heart-related Ailments.

The palaeolithic diet is just kind of a fad or a trend that has been there since a very long time. Its existence dates back to the 1800s. But there was no research that has been done to ascertain the longtime effects of a Paleo Diet. So if it is really good or bad is still a question that needs an answer.