Pancreas Transplant for type 1 diabetic patients is reality in India

Pancreas Transplant for type 1 diabetic patients is a reality in India. Medical science has reached new levels. Something that is common in the west but has just become a new phenomenon in India. Mumbai city saw its first Pancreas transplant a few days ago. When a woman with Type 1 Diabetes got Kidneys and Pancreas transplanted. It was from a 16-year-old brain dead patient. The first of its kind that happened in the city. This procedure may be new to India but it has done in the west for quite some time now.

Pancreas Transplant is very common for Type 1 Diabetes Patients

This Transplant has done to patients suffering from Type 1 Diabetes. The procedure does not need the old organ replaced. It is placed in a different place of the body retaining the original organ. Unlike traditional transplants where the old body part replaced. Originally the Pancreas located behind the stomach in the left side of the abdomen. It connects to the duodenum which is the first part of the Small Intestine.

Pancreas Transplant has a very high success ratio compare to other transplants

Pancreas Transplant is often clubbed with Kidney Transplant by the same Donor. Patients that suffer from Type 1 Diabetes and have developed renal failure. The patients required to undergo this kind of dual transplant. Unlike other transplants, Pancreas transplant has a 95% success ratio for people alive. 85% of the transplanted organ function properly after this transplant. The patients have to be on Immunosuppressive drugs for life after that. Since the body may resist an organ from another body.

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This transplant procedure restricted for patients suffering from Type 1 Diabetes only. People suffering from Pancreatic Cancer cannot go through this procedure. Since the original organ is never replaced and can cause the spread of the disease to other organs. Pancreatic cancer itself gets detected at a very late stage. This makes the procedure of transplant unviable. Organ Donation is a noble cause no matter whether it is the Pancreas or any other organ.  Governments and medical professionals should do much more to encourage organ donation. Pancreas Transplant in India may ease down the financial constraint for middle class patients.