Sunstroke Symptom and Treatment you must learn in this summer season

Sunstroke Symptom and Treatment

Sunstroke Symptom and Treatment you must learn in this summer season. It is just a week since summer has started in the Northern hemisphere. 21st March was the Equinox which marks the end of winter and the beginning of summer. A week has not even passed by and temperatures have already started breaking records. What everyone needs to watch is suffering from heat strokes or Sunstrokes. As it can affect anyone if appropriate care is not taken. The results of Sunstroke can result in serious complications if not taken care of on time.

Heatstroke typically occurs when you are exposed to high temperatures for a high time. It is also a combination of a lack of fluids in the body or simply dehydration. When the body temperature rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit it loses its ability to cool down and this when a typical sunstroke or Heatstroke occurs.

There are several symptoms for identifying a Heatstroke or Sunstroke

High Body temperature: When the body reaches a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit which is the main or the primary symptom.

Mental Changes: Heat affects the brain which is why you can feel confused, speech can get slurry, you can feel very irritated which many of us do feel when we are exposed to a lot of heat. You can even faint and go into a Coma in extreme cases.

Nausea: You may feel like vomiting but may not necessarily vomit

Headache: It is very common to feel as if someone is hitting your head with a hammer constantly.

Skin Colour Change: Your skin can turn red as your body temperature rises in people with a darker complexion, they may tend to turn purple.

Breathing: Breathing may become slow and difficult to catch that breath

Heart Rate: Your heartbeat will increase tremendously as the body attempts to lower temperature it puts strain on the Heart.

Sunstroke Symptom and Treatment when you get heat stroke

The most common form of treatment that is administered to a person suffering from a sunstroke is to bring the body temperature down. There are a few simple methods to lower  Body temperature.

Immersion: A person who suffered a sunstroke is immersed in Coldwater along with ice or ice along with water is poured onto his body

Evaporation Cooling: Coldwater is damped all over the body while the body lies below the fan. This causes evaporation which results in the skin cooling down.

Cooling Blankets and Ice Packets: Sunstroke Symptom and Treatment

Cooling blankets or Ice Packs are placed around the Groin, Armpit, Neck, and Back. It is typically the areas where large veins come in contact with the skin. This brings down the temperature of the skin.

Medication: Sunstrokes need medications as well but we rather not mention any here and rather you consult a Medical practitioner

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Prevention is better than Cure is the old saying in Medical science applies to sunstroke too

Well, the most common and the best way to avoid sunstroke is to remain well hydrated. Consume large amounts of fluids. Especially if you are aware that you will be exposed to heat for large parts of the day. Wear loose clothing most preferably cotton so that your body doesn’t heat up. Try to be as much under the shade and avoid direct sunlight.