Surya Namaskar Benefits at the beginning of the day

Surya Namaskar Benefits

Surya Namaskar Benefits at the beginning of the day. Through its regular practice, the whole body is benefited and the body remains healthy. By performing Surya Namaskar, oxygen is transmitted in the body and blood flow is good. It is comfortable with blood pressure and is also helpful in reducing weight. Surya Namaskar gets rid of many diseases.

The special thing is that 12 mantras are also pronounced while performing Surya Namaskar. By doing so the concentration increases and the good results of yoga action are revealed.

You have to perform 12 mantras while doing Surya Namaskar

Pranam Mudra:

This is the first posture. To do this, stand in the posture Attention and carefulness and take both of your palms upwards while lifting both hands parallel to the shoulder. Stick back part of the hands, then the hands have to stand in the posture of salutation while moving hands towards the front in the same position and moving towards the bottom. Keep breathing normally during this time.

Hand emancipation: Surya Namaskar Benefits

To do this, lift both hands above the ears and breathe inwards. Stretch the arms and tilt the wrist backwards. If there is a problem in the beginning, then do as much as possible. During this posture, deep and long breath increases lung capacity. Apart from this, cardiovascular health remains intact through its practice. The whole body, the lungs, the brain receive high amounts of oxygen.

Padshasan or Westottanasana: Surya Namaskar Benefits

Slowly exhale in the third stage and bow down forward. In this posture, we hold the toe of our legs with both hands, and the ankles of the foot are also caught. Since this seat is done by holding feet in the hand, it is called pahastahasta. This seat is done by standing up.

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Surya Namaskar is an ancient performed by people in early morning

Horse Operating Asana:

The leg claw should be standing while doing this mudra. To do this posture, take the right foot back to the hands while resting your hands on the ground. Then lift the neck up and down the chest. The waist should not be bowed during this asana exercise, for this, the spinal column should be straight and vertical.

Mount Sutra: Surya Namaskar Benefits

Sit in Padmasana on the ground to do this posture. Take the left foot slowly moving out of breath and also moving it backwards. Keep in mind that the edges of both legs are mixed together Raise the buttocks so that the whole body remains on the strength of both knees. Stretch the body backwards and bend your neck to the ankles on the ground.

Ashtanga Namaskar:

While breathing in this situation, bow to the body equally to ground, and put knee, chest, and chin on the ground. Lean the thighs up slightly while exhaling.

Bhujangasan: Surya Namaskar Benefits

In this situation, slowly start inhaling, straighten the hands while pulling the chest forward. Take the neck back so that the knees touch the ground and keep the feet clawed straight. It is also called Bhujangasan.


Make a posture like the fifth position. In this, gradually pushing the breath out, leaving the right foot behind. The two-leg bridges are mixed together Stretch the body towards the back and try to mix the anterooms on the ground. Raise buttocks up as high as possible.

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It is a very good exercise to keep yourself fit and healthy

Horse Operating Asana:

In this situation, make the currency of the fourth position. Take the left leg backwards while filling the breath. Drag the chest to the front. Tilt neck more backward Stretch stance straightened back and pulling the leg of the foot. Stay awake for some time in this situation.

Relaxation: Surya Namaskar Benefits

Lean back and forth in the third position and slowly lean forward. Hand should be touched by the neck and ears and the right-hand side of the foot should touch the ground. Keep in mind that the knee should be straight and touch the forehead knees. Stay in this situation for a few moments.

Hand emancipation:

This situation is similar to the second position. While remaining in the second posture, keep both hands up and down while breathing. In this situation, move the hands backwards, and also bowing the neck and waist backwards, that is to come in the posture of the half-clicking.

Prasham Mudra: Surya Namaskar Benefits

This situation is like the first Mundra, which means the posture of Namaskar. After twelve postures again stand in the state of relaxation. Now repeat this asana again. Surya Namaskar should start 4-5 times in the beginning and gradually increase it to 12-15.