What is corona virus and what precautions you have to take

reported numbers of corona

Do you know what is coronavirus? This is the biggest pandemic in recent times which shakes the world again. In every 100 years or so, some disease claims millions of lives in the world. The Corona Virus has emerged as the biggest epidemic in the world in 2020.

It does not a global killer but there has been spread of the disease to millions. The grave fact is that no one knows what this Virus is all about and what kind of potential has. But everyone become a global expert on the Corona Virus via WhatsApp University.

We only know that coronavirus started from China

The only fact that the whole world knows about this pandemic is that this is born in a Chinese city called Wuhan. The exact birthplace of this coronavirus still remains a mystery. Some say that it was the Chinese Biological warfare weapon that lead to the birth of this global Pandemic.

While others believe that the disease came from Bats. As that is a mammal that relished in the Wuhan province of China. Chinese Government seems to have deep knowledge of the matter. But has not been kind enough to share it with the world.

No medicine discovered yet for the Corona Virus in the world

Many websites in the world releasing statistics for mortality rates of infected. But which information is the most authentic is quite questionable by the average man. Countries have ordered lockdowns to have their citizens to remain indoors.

They believe this will curb the spread of the Corona Virus. As the disease spread by close contact with the infected person. If an infected person is not in Isolation can spread the disease to several people. In a matter of days that make which in turn multiplies at a rapid rate.

The biggest problem of Coronavirus is that it only gets detected once a person started showing symptoms. What people know at this point is keeping away from other people is the only way to keep the virus at bay. But the question is how long.

As the entire world has come to a standstill and the horizon or even the ray of light seems to be quite distant. The only known remedy at the moment is quarantine. For the first time in human history, the world has gone into a quarantine.