Old Age Technology missing for new age Teenagers

Old Age Technology

Old Age Technology missing for new age Teenagers. Technology grows at a rapid pace. And the pace at which it grows is even faster a technology that would have been invented in the past would have lasted a minimum of 10 years but nowadays they get replaced within months. There are a lot of devices that were used until the 90s that today’s teenagers have never seen or even heard of. The Babies that were born in this millennium are now teenagers. And a lot has changed in the world of Technology

Few devices of Old Age Technology may not exist for Teenagers today

Audio Cassettes

Audio Cassettes

This was the only source of Music or Audio recordings in the last few decades of the last millennium. It needed a Tape recorder or a Walkman that it needed to be played on. It had two sides that needed to be changed once one side was over. This was quickly replaced by CDs or Compact discs.

Typewriters- Old Age Technology


This was the closest thing to a print that could be obtained at your home or office. It was better than writing something by hand. It consisted of a Keyboard and a spool on which a paper needed to be inserted anything typed on the Keyboard would be on the paper. So, there was no room for error. It was replaced by electronic Typewriters on which correction could be made before it getting printed but that had a very short life since Computers and modern printers replaced everything.

Rotary Telephones

Rotary Telephones

Teenagers would have never seen this kind of telephone ever. Since during the early 90s Rotary telephones were replaced with keypad phones. The Term dial a no also came from these phones as it had a dial that needed to be rotated to dial each digit of a telephone number.

Also Read: Parenting Tips with Technology and Gadgets in this digital world

Public telephone booths

Public telephone booths

With the onset of Mobile Phones and the significant decline of the cost of using one. Public telephone booths have become completely obsolete. There was a time that people could find a telephone booth in every nook and corner of the vicinity that one goes to. Today we can hardly find one within miles. Although it is now only needed when the Cell phone battery dies.

Pagers- Old Age Technology

This is the Technology that had its shortest life in India it was quickly replaced by Mobile Phones. It was a device on which you could receive messages. Anyone wanting to send a message had to call up a Pager company and had to tell the message to the operator who would then type the message and send it to the respective pager.

Fax Machines- Old Age Technology

Fax Machines

This was the olden day email. Where you could scan a document and send it anywhere across the world. The recipient would receive an exact copy of the document that was sent. It was must across any office across the globe may it be small or big.

Dial-up Modems

Dial-up Modems

Right until the 90s Broadband did not exist. If you needed to connect to the internet you had to connect your PC to a Modem that would then dial you to your Internet provider. There was a unique sound that use to start as soon as it is connected to the ISP it was called a Handshake. Once the sound stopped the Internet was connected and ready to use.

Floppy Disks- Old Age Technology

Floppy Disks

Back in the 90s there were only a few ways that you store data on an external source. This was a flat Square plastic device that had a magnetic disc on the inside. The amount of data that could be stored on such a device was also far too limited it used to store only 1.44 MB of Data. That is far less than the size of audio or image file