5 Top Scientist Changed the World with their innovation and vision

We would like to share the story of top Top Scientist Changed the World. When we talk about new technologies, the only thing that comes to our mind is, who has invented this? And how he or she could have had deep knowledge or Intelligence to think beyond our imagination?  But, here we are going to talk about the 5 greatest scientists who changed the face of this planet?

As the time passes, the things are relentlessly changing, today everyone loves new technology to be in their hand? Everyone wants to enjoy the facilities as they can. Earlier, nobody would have ever thought, this greater and bigger planet Earth would come much closer and people would easily travel from one place to another. But, we are travelling from here to there in a short span of time without any complications. It all happens just because of these top 5 greatest scientists.

Modern world is a gift by our great scientist and their discoveries

The only thing we want to tell you is that not all of history’s most significant scientists were students, college graduates when they began showing their talent. In fact, history is full of the greatest scientists who have shaped the world due to their work as teenagers. If they were disregarded simply because of their age, many things we take for granted today may not exist. Through their own determination and thirst for knowledge, these teenagers impacted the world far greater than they would realize long after their deaths.

Right from the beginning of human settlement, a lot of people came up with ideas, philosophies, beliefs, experiments, research, redesigning of thoughts, and surveys to bring myths and imaginations to reality. People contributed to science to study different aspects of nature to prosper mankind. These greatest scientists mind put a keen interest in every phenomenon right from when they were kids. The zeal, passion, dedication, hard work and the effort they put into their work helped them discover something new about the world we live in.

Here is the list of five greatest scientist and their discoveries which changed the world

1. Isaac Newton

No one can deny the extraordinary work done by the Great scientist Isaac Newton,  Newton passed away century’s ago, but his theories and practical work is still being followed and investigated in the 21st Century.

When Newton was a child, it was common for their people to develop new devices or attending schools. Although he was also interested to be a student like others, his mother always wanted to make him a farmer. But, there was something else that God wanted, the Schoolmaster and his uncle did not let his mother take him out of the school and suggested to his mother to let him complete his education.

Isaac Newton attended Cambridge University upon finishing school in 1661. He developed a variety of scientific methods and discoveries including those in optics and colours.

2. Albert Einstein: Top Scientist Changed the World

When Albert Einstein was a child, he had a keen interest to solve a mathematical equation and science. He was good in Physics and Mathematics. Although he was declared lesser than other students in School except in Physics and Maths.

Albert Einstein attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic examinations in Zurich, after that he graduated from the Aargau Cantonal School in Aarau, Switzerland, where his passing marks in Physics and Mathematics were exceptionally high. Now, Albert Einstein’s theory is being referred to solve 21st century’s problems. Einstein is mainly known for his Theory of Relativity and one of the greatest scientist.

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3. Galileo Galilei

Galileo was born in Pisa, studied speed and velocity, gravity and free fall, the principle of relativity, inertia, projectile motion and also worked in applied science and technology, describing the properties of pendulums and “hydrostatic balances”, inventing the thermoscope and various military compasses, and using the telescope for scientific observations of celestial objects.

He has given a tremendous contribution to observational astronomy, including the telescopic confirmation of the phases of Venus, the discovery of the four largest satellites of Jupiter, the observation of Saturn’s rings (though he could not see them well enough to discern their true nature) and the analysis of sunspots.

Galileo known for his work as an astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician. Science worlds called Galileo the father of observational astronomy, father of modern physics, father of the scientific method the father of science.

Setting up a set of differentiating pendulums, Galileo discovered that regardless of the size difference the pendulums kept time with each other. The young man changed his degree from medical sciences to mathematics after attending a lecture on geometry. At the age of 22, Galileo published a book on the design of a hydrostatic balance he had invented.

4. Aristotle: Top Scientist Changed the World

In the 3rd Century BCE, Aristotle had made great contributions to nearly every subject of study. When he was 18-year-old, he attended Plato’s Academy where he studied nearly every subject offered at the time. For 20 years he remained at the Academy until eventually quitting. With his ocean of knowledge in subject material, Aristotle had completed encyclopedias of information opening the doors for many.

Aristotle writing does not confine to a single subject, he had also covered many physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theatre, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, politics and government – and constitute the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy.

Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the request of Philip II of Macedon, tutored Alexander the Great beginning in 343 BC.

5. Blaise Pascal

Pascal was a French Mathematician and Physicist. He was a child prodigy and educated from his father. Do you know that our windows computer has a system invented 350 years ago?

The only one, Blaise Pascal, who began his work on calculating devices and prototypes, when he was just 16-year-old, in 1642. Although the centuries have developed calculators that are digital, solar-powered, scientific, and software-based Pascal set the wheels in motion with the development of earlier versions of our calculating devices. What computer or smartphone would be complete without a calculator of some kind?

They had the only thing which matters to achieve in life is dedication and hard work. If you have anything in your mind to dedicate to this world, you can do and go on. People may mock your invention but history will never forget you.