What Is Cancer and what all symptoms and treatment available to cure

Whats is Cancer and how these diseases leave people physically and mentally weak. This is one of the major causes of deaths, all over the world. Tobacco use is the cause of about 22% of deaths and another 10% are due to obesity. Poor diet, lack of physical activity, or excessive drinking alcohol also play role. Approximately 5–10%  are due to inherited genetic defects from a person’s parents.

What Does Cancer Mean?

It is an abnormal growth of cells with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. In this abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue. It can involve any tissue of the body and have many different forms in each body area.

Types of Cancer:

There are more than 100 types of cancer that affect humans. This includes breast, skin, lung, colon, Gallbladder  Gastric (Stomach), prostate, and lymphoma. Symptoms vary depending on the type.  Treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery.

  • Men: Prostate, lung, and colorectal
  • Women: Breast, lung, and colorectal
  • Children: Leukemia, brain tumours, and lymphoma

Causes of Cancer:

It is caused by mutations or changes to the DNA within cells. The DNA inside a cell packaged into a large number of individual genes. Each gene contains instructions for cells to functions to perform, as well as how to grow and divide. Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to stop its normal function. And they may allow a cell to become cancerous. Major Causes of this disease is Smoking tobacco, radiation, viruses, chemicals (carcinogens). Obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation, and a lack of exercise also play a role in cancer.

Symptoms of Cancer:

It produces no symptoms in the beginning. Signs and symptoms appear as the mass grows or ulcerates. For example, Lung cancer can block the bronchus resulting in cough or pneumonia. Esophageal cancer can cause narrowing of the esophagus and make swallow difficult. Colorectal cancer may lead to narrowing or blockages in the bowel. Masses in breasts or testicles may produce observable lumps. Some may cause specific groups of systemic symptoms, termed paraneoplastic syndrome.

It may also cause symptoms like fever, extreme tiredness (fatigue), or weight loss. This may be because damaged cells use up much of the body’s energy supply. They may release substances that change the way the body makes energy from food.

Cancer Treatment Process

There are many treatment options available today. The common ones include surgery, chemotherapy. Few Use radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and palliative care. The use of treatments depends on the type, location and grade. The treatment intent may or may not be curative.

Chemotherapy Treatment Process:

It is a type of treatment that uses one or more anti-cancer drugs. It is as part of a standardized chemotherapy regimen. Chemotherapy may be given with curative intent, or it may aim to prolong life or to reduce symptoms.

Radiation Treatment Process:

Radiation therapy involves the use of ionizing radiation. It is an attempt to either cure or improve symptoms. It works by damaging the DNA of cancerous tissue, killing it.

Surgery Treatment Process:

Surgery is the primary method of treatment for most isolated, solid cancers. It may play a role in palliation and prolongation of survival. It is an important part of the definitive diagnosis and staging of tumours, as biopsies.

Palliative Care Process:

Palliative care treatment helps the patient feel better. It may be combined with an attempt to treat cancer. Palliative care includes action to reduce physical, emotional, spiritual, and psycho-social distress.

Immunotherapy Therapy:

A variety of therapies using immunotherapy, stimulating. It helps the immune system to fight cancer, have come into use since 1997. Approaches include antibodies, checkpoint therapy, and adoptive cell transfer.

Laser Therapy:

Laser therapy uses very high-intensity light by shrinking or destroying tumours. Lasers used to treat superficial cancers of the body or the lining of internal organs. It is used to treat basal cell skin cancer and the very early stages. It used for cervical, penile, vaginal, vulvar, and non-small cell lung cancer.

Cancer survival rates

Cancer survival rates vary by the type of cancer, stage at diagnosis, treatment. In general survival rates of the patients are improving. Survival rate can be measured by median life expectancy having advantages on others. It is based on the meaning for people involved, rather than as an epidemiological measure.

Several types of disease associated with high survival rates. This includes breast, prostate, testicular, and colon cancer. Brain and pancreatic cancers have much lower median survival rates. Indeed, pancreatic cancer has one of the worst survival rates

The improvement in survival rates has increased due to knowledge sharing. This is also increased due to the availability of new treatment options and technology.

Guidelines to prevent disease

Healthy Diet: A healthy diet is a diet that helps to maintain or improve overall health. It provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients, and adequate calories.

Eat Healthy

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Add fruits, vegetables, and other foods from plant sources such as whole grains and beans.
  • Avoid obesity. Eat lighter and leaner food which excludes refined sugars and fat from animal sources.
  • Drink moderate alcohol. Drinking alcohol has a high cancer risk in the breast, colon, lung, kidney, and liver. This increases with the amount of alcohol and the length of your drink.
  • Limit processed meats.  Processed meat increases the risk of certain types of cancer. The World Health Organisation said that eating processed meat can cause disease.

Quit Tobacco:

Smoking has linked to various types of cancer. This including the lung, mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervix, and kidney. Chewing tobacco linked to of the oral cavity and pancreas. Even if you don’t use tobacco, exposure to secondhand smoke might increase your risk of lung. It’s also an important part of prevention. You may ask your doctor about stop-smoking products and other strategies for quitting.

Healthy Weight:

Maintaining a healthy weight might lower the risk of various types of cancer. this include including breast, prostate, lung, colon, and kidney.

Avoid Midday Sun

Too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or sunbeds is the main cause of skin cancer. In the UK almost 9 in 10 cases of melanoma is due to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This is the most serious type of skin cancer. This can prevent by avoiding Too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation

Here are some myths about cancer which are totally False:
  • Cancer is contagious
  • Exposing a tumour to air during surgery causes it to spread
  • It’s better not to know that you have
  • There is a cure for it but the drug companies are keeping it a secret to make money from treating.
  • You can catch brain cancer form electronic devices like a cell phone
  • Antiperspirants also cause it
  • Prostate cancer treatment is worse than the disease
  • Having a family history means you can get the disease
  • If you’re old, there’s no reason to treat it because it won’t do any good
  • Underwire bras cause breast disease