Why are Dependency on Technology is very high in this world


Why are Dependency on Technology is very high in this world. Today’s world is slowly and gradually becoming totally technology-driven. Everything has now come in the palm of one’s hand. Living without gadgets have now become almost impossible. For even the simplest information People rely on their Phones. The world has come closer with communication Technology growing faster. The ability to think is becoming subordinate as you now have technology that will do it for you.

Google has now become a vital part of everyone’s daily life. People depend upon it to seek information of all kinds. Earlier there were directories that people used to look up to find information about Businesses. Now, you have to simply type what you want on Google and it delivers all it to you within seconds. What used to take minutes is now delivered in a fraction of a second. For example: Previously for paying bills we have to stand in queues but now we can pay by using any digital wallet.

Technology Saves Time

People used to travel a great deal once upon a time to derive various business requirements. But now Technology like Skype and various other Video Conferencing Applications have eliminated the need for travel. Saving a lot of time as well as money. Documents that one needed for various purposes needed to be couriered and sent across to different regions. With Technology you just have to scan the document and email it. A lot of time and effort again is saved.

Newer forms of Technology have been replacing the old ones quite often. The radio was replaced by the TV. Now the TV is also being replaced by the Cell Phones or Smart Phones. The Internet has taken the world over like a storm. Data rates are getting cheaper day by day and with unlimited content available online. People are now relying on their Smart Phones for their daily dose of entertainment.

Technology the biggest change in people’s lives

There was a time when people used to read books and fall asleep. Now that has been replaced by the Cell Phone. People watch content on their Cell phones and fall asleep. When a person now wakes up the first thing that they do is check the Cell phone. Gone are the days when one used to wait for the newspaper. Technology is such that News is delivered to your phone as it happens and when it happens.

Children now do their homework using their Cell Phones. All the answers to their questions can be found online. Gone are the days when they needed tutors to help them with their Homework. Technology today has invented the system of work from home. So, you don’t have to travel to do your work. It can be all done from the convenience of your own home.

Also Read: Old Age Technology missing for new age Teenagers

Dependency on Technology is such that we no longer need to memorize anything we can just make a note of it on our Phone tablets or Laptops. There are Apps on Phones for almost anything and everything. As you start using them you start being dependent on them.

You can’t live without it

Dependency on Technology is such that it has taken away the human element away from certain things. For example, ordering food previously one required to speak to a person to give the order. But now with the latest technology one can just order from an App or a website eliminating the Human in between.

While Technology has all its benefits it has its flipsides to it too. People have now become lazy. They spent too much time spent on Cell Phones or Computer Screens which affects their eyesight. Cell phones emit radiation which is bad for the Human Brain. People spend less time with friends and family and more on gadgets. People have forgotten to socialize in Society. Like it or not we are now slaves to technology and we don’t know when what can take us away.