PUBG Mobile Game faces ban in certain Indian cities

PUBG Mobile Game

PUBG Mobile Game faces ban in certain Indian cities. It may come as a shock to the gaming community. Certain Indian cities like Rajkot and Surat along with the districts of Bhavnagar and Gir Somnath in the state of Gujrat have banned the popular game PUBG. The South Korean gaming company Bluehole introduced this game in 2018 and has seen a drastic rise in players the world over even in India. They just celebrated the first anniversary of the Game a while back.

PUBG is an online Multiplayer Battle game that can be played within a group of people or with an online community that plays the game. The game is available on multiple platforms hence it has a growing popularity. It is available on iOS and Android mobile platforms. While it is also available on Gaming consoles like PS4 and Xbox One. It is also available in the PC version in Microsoft Windows.

PUBG gained immense popularity and world over with Millions of users

PUBG stands for PlayerUnknown’s Battle Ground. It is a game in which a player plays the role of a soldier who is dropped into a certain war infected area. The Game starts with the player being ejected from an Airplane and into a battle zone typically the size of 8×8 kilometres. Players start with no gear or equipment. They need to scavenge the surroundings that they are dropped in to find Gear, Equipment, and weapons After which the engage in battle opponents in the Game. The Rule to victory is a pretty simple last man or team standing wins the game.

PUBG is a multiplayer game which can be played with multiple partners remotely

This game can be played by a single person or by a team of up to 4 persons. The game itself is very violent in nature as it is required to kill your opponents and even loot to acquire their Gear, Equipment, or their ammunition. The values it instils itself is very questionable. But this is not the first game that gained immense popularity that was backed on criminal values. Games like Grand Theft Auto were also based on killing, robbing etc.

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Many parents have been facing issues with their children spending too much time playing PUBG. It is an addiction that has grown multi-folds among Youth. The Ban that has been introduced in certain parts of India. It can also prosecute people under section 188 of the IPC for indulging in the game. There was also a complaint from a concerned mother to the PM Narendra Modi. Raised on Pariksha pe Charcha 2.0 that her child is wasting too much time playing PUBG.