Arthritis and its forms to be learned by the common man

Arthritis and its forms
Arthritis and its forms

Knowing Arthritis and its forms are very important in this mechanical life. A disease that causes difficulties in various joints of the body known as Arthritis. Arthritis is a broader and common term that is used. There are several types and forms of this disease.

Even Gout which occurs to a few is also a form of Arthritis. It affects the joints like the knees or the Joints on the fingers too. But this depends upon what form or type of Arthritis a person is suffering from. There is a known cure for the several forms of this disease. But there are different methodologies that can reduce the pain and suffering.

Types of Arthritis and its forms


Osteoarthritis occurs in the joints when the cartilage in the joints wears away. This is because of the reduction in the fluid that lubricates the joints of the body. The main symptom of Osteoarthritis is pain and stiffness. It can occur in the Knee, Hips fingers, and the neck. When it affects the neck the ability to use one’s hands and legs hampered.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Like most Arthritis Rheumatoid also affects the joints. It can also affect other parts of the body like low red blood cell count. Inflammation around the lungs, and inflammation around the heart. Symptoms often develop slowly and takes months of suffering from this disease. Rheumatoid can affect the skin as well but is very rarely seen among patients.

Gout: Arthritis and its forms

It is a type of recurring disease also known as the Rich man’s Disease. Since it occurs due to lifestyle disorders which are very common among the affluent folk. It is when Uric Acid Crystalizes in the joints is when someone said to have Gout. It can be very painful but can subside with medication. Dietary changes can ensure that Gout does not recur. Unlike other forms of Arthritis that do not go away and remain for a lifetime.

Septic: Arthritis and its forms

Septic Arthritis is an inflammation of a joint by an external infectious agent. This could be in the form of Bacteria Virus or any other microorganism. It causes redness in the Joints combined with heat and pain in the affected area. It can affect one or more joints at a time.

Treatment usually can be antibiotics such as vancomycin, ceftriaxone, or ceftazidime. In some extreme cases, Surgery can also do to clean the infected area. It occurs generally only to people with old age. And without treatment, the Mortality rate is above 60%.