Lifestyle tips for Holi to make it more colourful and safe for you

Lifestyle tips for Holi

These Lifestyle tips for Holi to make it more colourful and safe. Almost Everyone Involved in Holi celebrations every year. However, often on the second day of Holi, skin bursts, rashes on the face makes your day frustrating. So, this year onwards make sure to follow these precautions while playing Holi. These will make your Holi safe as well as more colourful.

Lifestyle tips for Holi to be followed before

– The effect of Holi on skin and hair is due to the harmful chemical colour used during Holi. It is important to take care that these chemicals do not penetrate your skin.

– The best solution is to apply castor oil to the entire body before playing Holi. So, your skin will not dry up and the dangerous colours will not affect your skin.

– Do not forget to put oil on the rear side of the ear and inside area of the ear. Because once colour gets fixed then it survives for a longer period.

– Prepare your hair properly with oil before the Holi night. Massage the skin and hair with castor oil.

– By doing this, hair gets extra nutrition due to oil and the hair will not dry easily due to colour. Doing this, the skin colour is quickly and easily removed.

– If your head skin is sensitive, add a few drops of ‘lemon essential oil’ to castor oil. Therefore, you can avoid the problem of colour chemicals.

Also Read: Holi Significance and Importance for you to know about this festival of colour

Lifestyle tips for Holi Be Done After: Lifestyle tips for Holi

– Do not rub your skin harshly with soap to remove colour. Use mild lubricant made from papaya-cucumber or sandalwood. It has the properties of skin moisture and skin cleansing.

– Then apply olive oil on the skin. This is light oil and it can be applied to the skin. And, due to the ‘E’ vitamin and anti-oxides, it condiments the skin perfectly and the skin does not dry up.

– First of all, wash your hair with plenty of water to remove small particles and microscopic particles of colour. After that, wash the hair with the SLS free Rosemary Lavender soap.

– Still, if you have some colour left behind in the hair, then do not wash the hair on the same day. Therefore, the hair will look drier. After the hair is dried, then massage the hair with olive oil. Wash the hair on the second day. This oil causes the hair to be healthy, strong and bright. Hair loss comes in control. The dry skin of the head nourishes and reduces the hair problems.

– If you want to keep the hair more hydrated, then you should apply Citronella Essential Oil mixed with your ‘After Wash Hair Serum’. Due to this essential oil, the hair conditioning becomes good. The hair becomes dense and more soft and healthy.

Be Alert, Don’t Forget The Safety Of Your Smartphone While Playing Holi

On the first two days of March, the entire Country will celebrate Holi in different regions of the country. On these days, the joy and enthusiasm of people remain on a high. While playing Holi, you sometimes forget that there is a smartphone in your pocket. There is a possibility that the phone may get damaged due to colour and water in Holi. Has your phone been damaged in your earlier Holi? Then you will definitely won’t make that same mistake again. We are giving some important tips for this. This will definitely help you in the festival of colours.

These Tips Will Save Your Smartphone During Holi: Lifestyle tips for Holi

– Do not use the phone while the hands are wet on the day of Holi. Make your hands dry before using the phone.

– On this day, children often throw colour and water balloons randomly. At that time your phone must have a waterproof cover.

– Before playing Holi, keep your phone in a safe place. Or waterproof bags. Nowadays there are pouches available in the market, especially for mobile phones. You can use those pouches to protect your smartphone.

– If you have wet hair, avoid using mobile. Because the water from the ear can fall on your mobile.

– If you are going to carry your phone on Holiday, then take earphones or Bluetooth. This will allow you to take calls without taking out the phone from a pocket or a pouch.

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– If water has already got into your phone, stop answering any calls and do not call anybody yourself. Because sparking can happen and your phone is more likely to get worse.

– Switch off the phone immediately if water gets inside the phone. Remove the phone’s battery and dry it with cotton cloth. As long as the mobile is not completely dry, do not turn it on.

– After drying the phone, it may have some degree of dampness. For this, keep it for 12 hours in the rice box.

– Do not use a hairdryer to dry your phone. Using the hairdryer can damage the motherboard.

– The vacuum cleaner can also dry your cell phone.