Weekend plans when world remains united to do nothing

Weekend plans

The weekend plans are what most people look forward in the world to enjoy. A day when they unwind after a week of hectic work to relax life at the weekend.  This has been the case for the world till sometimes back. This is even for places like Middle East who celebrate weekends on Thursday and Friday.

This is one of the weekends which just passed away where people haven’t even realized that it was a Saturday Sunday or a Monday. Most citizens of many countries are adhering to the lockdown imposed by their respective countries.

No difference between a weekend plans or weekday during lockdown

Weekend plans are not the only thing that has been affected due to the Corona Virus Lockdown. There have been several festivities that have been cancelled. Recently in India festivals like Gudi Padwa and Baisakhi passed without even people knowing that these festivals were on a particular day.

Even though these are not national festivals locally they are celebrated in a big way.  Festivals came for the celebration with family and loved ones. But coronavirus and social distancing have put a pause to mankind for any celebration for now.

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At this moment it is still unclear when the pandemic will come to an end. As the virus is spreading at a rapid rate and is still too early to comment when the lockdown will be lifted. Even Work from Home is reducing as there is no work that is coming one way. al Weekend plans for people are just a planning.

Trade between industries has been suspended which has given rise to a big gloom of uncertainty.  Easter too is just around the corner. But churches have remained shut for weeks together so even this festival will pass without the usual festivities. So it is just not the weekend or weekdays that has been affected it is the way of life mankind that has changed.