Yoga Tips for you to know everything before start for healthy life

Yoga Tips: It is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. The tool that unites one’s mind, body, and breath, has gained worldwide popularity. It was once practised for spiritual gain, has now also become one of the most popular fitness routines. It helps to increases your flexibility, strengthens your muscles, centres your thoughts, and relaxes and calms you.

Some of the health benefits

  • Increases Flexibility
  • Increases muscle strength and tone
  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality
  • Helps Maintaining a balanced metabolism
  • Weight reduction
  • Cardio and circulatory health
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Protection from injury

Yoga is a spiritual and ascetic discipline that includes breath control, simple meditation. The body postures widely used for health and relaxation. It has historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. It is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means “to yoke or join together.”

Types of Yoga

What is Yoga

Hatha Yoga – 

It includes most yoga styles, It includes practices of asanas and pranayamas to bring peace to mind and body.

Vinyasa Yoga – 

Vinyasa is a fast-paced series of asanas that focuses on the flow between movements, rather than individual poses.

Bikram Yoga – Yoga Tips

Bikram consists of a specific series of 26 poses and two breathing exercises practised in a room heated to approximately 105 degrees and 40 per cent humidity.

Ashtanga Yoga (Power Yoga)

Ashtanga means “eight-limbed yoga” is a system outlined in yoga sutras attributed to the ancient sage Patanjali. The sutras are general guidelines for spiritual growth through right living and are universal.

Iyengar Yoga 

This asana increases strength, stamina, improves posture, and cures medical conditions.

Kundalini Yoga – Yoga Tips

Kundalini yoga helps in awakening and raising of kundalini energy up the spine through energy centres called Chakras.

Restorative Yoga 

This yoga helps provide that physical and mental balance and prevent stress and anxiety. In this yoga use of props allowed to hold for a longer period.

Jivamukti yoga 

Jivamukti is a physical, ethical, and spiritual practice, combining a vigorous hatha yoga, vinyasa-based physical style with adherence to five central tenets: scripture, devotion, non-violence, music, and meditation.

International Yoda day Celebration: Yoga Tips

International Day

Every year International Yoga celebrated on 21 June.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi started this in 2015. He has suggested the date of 21 June in his UN address. It is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares special significance in many parts of the world. “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies the unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint, and fulfilment, harmony between man and nature, a holistic approach to health and well-being” he said.

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Many NGOs, celebrities, politicians organize a campaign to promote the Yoda Day. The first Yoga Day celebration took place at Raj Path in New Delhi. PM Narendra Modi and other dignitaries performed 21 yoga asanas and created two Guinness World Records. The first record was for being the world’s largest yoga class with 35,985 people and the second one was for having the maximum number of participating nationalities, which is 84.

Best Yoga Postures for Beginners:

Postures for Beginners- Yoga Tips

Surya Namaskar – 

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is a sequence of 12 powerful poses. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is best when done in the early morning and an empty stomach.

Sirsasana – Yoga Tips

Sirsasana is a Sanskrit word which means head. It is a headstand, which has many health benefits.

Padmasana – 

Padmasana is a cross-legged position which helps in deep meditation by calming the mind and alleviating various physical ailments. This posture leads to rapid transfusion of blood and purity in you. Padmasana is very beneficial for digestion.

Savasana – Yoga Tips

Savasana benefits in reducing anxiety, blood pressure and insomnia. It is usually done at the end of a yoga practice.

Utkatasana – 

In this position, you have to sit on the imaginary chair. Utkatasana translates into an intense or powerful pose. This asana is also called the Chair Pose.

Health Benefits: Yoga Tips

Health Benefit- Yoga Tips

Surya Namaskar and Kapalbharti Pranayama reduce the bodyweight along with other asanas. Yoga, pranayama, and meditation are effective ways to relieve stress. It keeps the body organs in a healthy condition and gives strength to the muscles. It enhances work capacity by giving peace to the mind. Yoga and meditation give happiness and positivity for performing daily activities. It not only treats diseases but by adopting it many physical and mental disorders can also be fixed. It keeps the body strong and flexible and also relieves stress, which is essential for everyday life.

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Yoga postures keep both body and mind active, it keeps you fresh and full of energy throughout the day. You only need to include it in your daily routine, so that you keep up with strength, tenderness and flexibility. Yoga and meditation improve your intuition power. Regular Yoga makes your body strong and empowers the muscle and soul. It improves your body posture.  The regular practitioner gets numerous benefits.

Benefits of Morning Yoga

Morning Exercise

Yoga in the morning can be beneficial for your health. for being healthy mentally and physically take some time and do asana.

Balasana – Yoga Tips

To practice this aassan, first sit down on the ground on the knees together. Breathe deeply and bend forward. Your chest should touch your thighs and try to touch the floor with your forehead. After staying in this state for a few seconds, return to the same state after leaving the breath. Balasana is a good posture for those who have started Yogasana. (Pregnant women and people with knee problem should not do it)

Bhujangasana – 

Bhunjangasana is also known as Cobra pose is a back-bending asana. Before doing this aassan, lie down directly on the stomach and keep both hands under the forehead. Keep both legs claws together. Now lift the forehead towards the front and keep both arms parallel to the shoulders, so that the body loads on the arms.  Stretch the body and take a long breath. After staying in this condition for a few seconds, lie back on the belly. This posture, not only decreases stomach fat but also strengthen muscles, waists, and stomach.

Paschimottanasana – Yoga Tips

For this posture, sit on a mat and keep your feet in front of you. Keep in mind that feet are firmly placed on the ground. Now Stretch out your arms, and let them reach the furthest they can, possibly till your toes. While leaving the breath, move the stomach inwards and bend forward. This posture improves the digestive tract by smoothing the surrounding parts of the stomach (kidney, liver, pancreas). This asana action puts pressure on your stomach, which directly affects the stomach fat.

Yoga Tips to be followed while doing exercise

Open Air considered to be the best for health. If you find the location then you should be sure that the atmosphere is calm. For performing yoga you should use Yoga mats. While doing it, take care of body parts, especially the sensitive parts of the body, such as knees, waist, spinal cord and neck etc. If you feel any kind of difficulty or pain discontinue the following asana. Choosing the right dress code for yoga is also very important.

Top celebrities who include yoga in their daily routine:

Shilpa Shetty- Yoga Tips

Shilpa Shetty: Yoga Tips

The actress has launched several DVDs, where she is seen performing different asanas, to promote and endorse yoga. Shilpa Shetty makes the full workout much easier by introducing us to the array of a quick yoga for your entire body on her Youtube channel. Shilpa Shetty Kundra is also seen performing Yoga with yoga guru Baba Ramdev. She is also known as Bollywood yoga queen by netizens.

David Beckham

The soccer star has found relaxation and strength through yoga and has reportedly practised couples power yoga with his wife, Victoria Beckham, to garner deeper intimacy and connection. Iconic Footballer cured his aches and pain by practising it daily.

Akshay Kumar

Everyone knows his love for Martial arts, he also practices yoga and meditation on a regular basis. Akshay Kumar credits yoga, martial arts, and other types of exercises for his reputation as Bollywood’s sexiest leading man. Yoga’s mind, body, spirit connection has turned him into what his body wants to do on a given day.