Do you know Creepy Clowns theory has a science behind this

Creepy Clowns

Do you know Creepy Clowns theory has a science behind this? It’s late in the night, and you found yourself in an isolated circus tent. There is no one else but you. Lights are flickering intensely, the silence is deafening you are feeling your heart becoming cold, and amid this, you see a Clown.

Anyone would fear a clown in this particular setting. But it is common these days that these creatures scare the children than entertaining them. Movies have used this uncanny element to horrify their audiences who pay for the movie tickets to get horrified. The movie named IT which is based on Stephen king’s novel shows a Clown named Pennywise. This Pennywise go after every child in the town and he has a hobby of putting them in a 27-year long nap. Really, such an unwise hobby of Pennywise!

Creepy Clowns always have a strange look with face painted in glossy colours

Clowns have a very strange look. Their face is painted in glossy colours and clothes are loose and have no particular shape. Their expressions are quick and unpredictable. They walk in an awkward gait. There is nothing human-like thing in them. And the scariest thing about them is their maniac laugh.  The one who really scares them would never like to hear them laugh.

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There is a medical condition called ‘Coulrophobia’which arises due to excessive fear of clowns. The symptoms include accelerated heartbeats, nausea, and feelings of dread. The symptoms may vary from person to person (maybe on how terrible that clown looks).

Children found clowns as frightening and unknowable

Clowns for Children- Creepy Clowns

The University of Sheffield did a study of more than 250 children. They were between the ages of four and sixteen. The results found that more than a majority of children expressed a dislike of clowns. They found them frightening and unknowable.

In Concordia University, the department of sociology and Anthropology carefully studied the case. The fear of clowns is due to their naturally designed to unsettle. They violated every social norm and rules in their appearance and behaviour.

There is a science behind the look and feel of clown

They show the hidden things with the audience. There are too emotional and their emotions switch quickly. The way they behave can’t be anticipated.

We also don’t like things that are uncanny. And clowns are highly uncanny in their appearance and behaviour. They are recognizable humans but their looks are distorted. That is the main reason why we fear them. There is a group of children who love clowns. Anyway, you are in an isolated circus and have seen the clown…bid him bye! Before getting into ‘Coulrophobia’.